Friday, September 23, 2005
+meeting the needs of a young nation
_rapidly growing population
_not enough schools and places for every child
>schools were built to meet the demand
+building national loyalty
_english medium schools were not popular as the people had the freedom to choose the language of instruction
_pupils of different races seldom met
_could not achieve national loyalty and social cohesion
_difficulties to nation building
>implemented daily flag raising and pledge taking ceremony
+fostering social cohesion
_to show that the government was fair to all races
>textbooks loaned to needy pupils from all language streams
>all government schools provided with same physical facilities
>all pri sch pupils sit for common exam (PSLE)
_encouraged interaction between pupils and teachers of different language streams
_promote racial harmony
>integrated school system – same class held in different languages
_bilingualism made compulsory (1966)
>english as link language – break down social barriers, build more harmonious society
>mother tongue to impart moral values and cultural traditions of each race
_emphasised on uniformed groups ECA/CCA such as National (Police) Cadet Corps
>provided pupils with opportunities for interaction and healthy competition
>instilled loyalty
>bring pupils of different race together
+preparing for economic development
_serious unemployment in 1960s due to declining entrepot trade
>moved to manufacturing
_technical education and new courses introduced to schools (1969), more technical schools were set up
>provide young workforce with relevant skills to meet the needs of the changing economy
+improving the quality of education
_bilingual policy ineffective
_education system failed to consider different learning needs of different pupils
_introduced to cater to the different abilities and learning paces of pupils
>channelled to different streams according to performance in languages and mathematics
>GEP to provide more challenging education
>N(T) to provide technically orientated curriculum
+teaching moral values
_introduce Moral Education programme
>to inculcate in pupils a common set of desirable moral values such a s social responsibility and loyalty to the country
_introduce Religious Knowledge (1982)
>reinforce values taught in moral education
_made not compulsory (1990)
>it encouraged conversion of the religious beliefs taught even though the government should be neutral and not promote religions in schools
_replaced by Civics and Moral Education (1992)
>captures essence of being a Singaporean
>preserves cultural heritage of the communities
>Shared Values help to develop Singaporean identity - includes elements of Singapore’s cultures and the attitudes and values that have helped her survival and success as a nation
+encouraging creativity
_global recession(1981) slowed down international trade and Singapore’s high economic growth
>Singaporeans had to be creative and innovative to adapt to and initiate changes that would revive the economy and stimulate economic growth
_schools given more freedom
>autonomous and independent schools
- freedom to cater to specific needs
+preparing for the challenges of the 21st century
_have to be resourceful and self reliant to thrive in competitive global economy
+promoting critical and creative thinking
_project work to encourage pupils to think creatively and critically
+using information technology (IT)
_use of IT in teaching and learning in schools
+introducing National Education (1997)
_celebrations of events such as Racial Harmony and Total Defence Day
>understand how Singapore survived difficult times
>foster strong bonds, more emotionally attached
_Community Involvement Programme (1998)
>nurture pupils into good citizens conscious of their responsibility to family, society and country
+developing talents
>school programmes to cater to pupils’ diverse talents
>provide them with opportunities
+compulsory primary school education (2003)
_emphasis on life long learning
>each child will have at least a common core of knowledge and skills to prepare them for employment
_achieve national identity and social cohesion
education policies reviewed constantly to develop potential of each citizen/student fully
hahaha so undetailed :) -lala
_rapidly growing population
_not enough schools and places for every child
>schools were built to meet the demand
+building national loyalty
_english medium schools were not popular as the people had the freedom to choose the language of instruction
_pupils of different races seldom met
_could not achieve national loyalty and social cohesion
_difficulties to nation building
>implemented daily flag raising and pledge taking ceremony
+fostering social cohesion
_to show that the government was fair to all races
>textbooks loaned to needy pupils from all language streams
>all government schools provided with same physical facilities
>all pri sch pupils sit for common exam (PSLE)
_encouraged interaction between pupils and teachers of different language streams
_promote racial harmony
>integrated school system – same class held in different languages
_bilingualism made compulsory (1966)
>english as link language – break down social barriers, build more harmonious society
>mother tongue to impart moral values and cultural traditions of each race
_emphasised on uniformed groups ECA/CCA such as National (Police) Cadet Corps
>provided pupils with opportunities for interaction and healthy competition
>instilled loyalty
>bring pupils of different race together
+preparing for economic development
_serious unemployment in 1960s due to declining entrepot trade
>moved to manufacturing
_technical education and new courses introduced to schools (1969), more technical schools were set up
>provide young workforce with relevant skills to meet the needs of the changing economy
+improving the quality of education
_bilingual policy ineffective
_education system failed to consider different learning needs of different pupils
_introduced to cater to the different abilities and learning paces of pupils
>channelled to different streams according to performance in languages and mathematics
>GEP to provide more challenging education
>N(T) to provide technically orientated curriculum
+teaching moral values
_introduce Moral Education programme
>to inculcate in pupils a common set of desirable moral values such a s social responsibility and loyalty to the country
_introduce Religious Knowledge (1982)
>reinforce values taught in moral education
_made not compulsory (1990)
>it encouraged conversion of the religious beliefs taught even though the government should be neutral and not promote religions in schools
_replaced by Civics and Moral Education (1992)
>captures essence of being a Singaporean
>preserves cultural heritage of the communities
>Shared Values help to develop Singaporean identity - includes elements of Singapore’s cultures and the attitudes and values that have helped her survival and success as a nation
+encouraging creativity
_global recession(1981) slowed down international trade and Singapore’s high economic growth
>Singaporeans had to be creative and innovative to adapt to and initiate changes that would revive the economy and stimulate economic growth
_schools given more freedom
>autonomous and independent schools
- freedom to cater to specific needs
+preparing for the challenges of the 21st century
_have to be resourceful and self reliant to thrive in competitive global economy
+promoting critical and creative thinking
_project work to encourage pupils to think creatively and critically
+using information technology (IT)
_use of IT in teaching and learning in schools
+introducing National Education (1997)
_celebrations of events such as Racial Harmony and Total Defence Day
>understand how Singapore survived difficult times
>foster strong bonds, more emotionally attached
_Community Involvement Programme (1998)
>nurture pupils into good citizens conscious of their responsibility to family, society and country
+developing talents
>school programmes to cater to pupils’ diverse talents
>provide them with opportunities
+compulsory primary school education (2003)
_emphasis on life long learning
>each child will have at least a common core of knowledge and skills to prepare them for employment
_achieve national identity and social cohesion
education policies reviewed constantly to develop potential of each citizen/student fully
hahaha so undetailed :) -lala